Growing up, my sister was the girly girl of the family. For as long as I can remember, she was the one who always wanted the ring made out of paste that cost 25 cents at the store. She was the one cutting her dolls’ hair (and frequently, her own) with her paper scissors. I was the sister who hated getting her hair brushed (maybe because our mother was one of those tuggy-pully hair brushing people) and was more likely to be found hiding under the covers with my nose in a book.
Still, something must have happened to me as I grew up. The girly tendencies seem to have blossomed in my 30s. I mean look at me! I have a website with a liberal amount of pink on it, and I have two…count ‘em…TWO pink rooms in my house. (In case you're interested, one is kind of retro 70s flower power pink and the other one is kind of shabby chic pink...oh, you're not interested? But what's the fun of a 'blog if you can't go off on incredibly self-indulgent tangents?)I’m inexplicably drawn to the Pottery Barn Kids store like a moth to a flame…and I have not a single child on which to lavish all the cool stuff from there.
Sure, I wear rubber boots with pink and purple daisies on them and I drive a kid-friendly classic VW Beetle, and I have a doll house sitting on my dining room table (yes, I have the world’s most tolerant husband), but I still have to behave…well…like a quasi grown-up in most of my working life.
In keeping with my following of all things girly and kid-like, I went to Meg Cabot’s website yesterday. She’s the mega-prolific author who wrote such bestsellers as The Princess Diaries. I go there to drool and sigh and dream about being a best-selling author with a house in the Florida Keys, New York and all the other cool places Meggie the Magnificent has houses. When I saw the hot pink cowboy boots and tiara she was sporting in her website picture, I was envious. Imagine getting paid to write goofy stories for 8-12 year old girls! Tiaras and pink cowboy boots are her work uniform.
What’s your ideal work uniform? Do you dream about Armani suits or flip flops or maybe even a sparkly tiara? Maybe we can shop together…